List of nuclear power plants in the United States (USA)

List of nuclear power plants in the United States (USA)

According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), as of March 2023, there are a total of 93 operating nuclear reactors at 56 nuclear power plants located in 28 US states.

Some of these reactors are in the process of being closed or dismantled. There are also several nuclear power plants that have been planned but not yet built.

Nuclear power represents approximately 20% of the total electric power production in the United States, according to the (EIA).
Nuclear power is one of the most important energy sources in the US, along with natural gas, coal, and renewables like hydroelectric, wind, and solar.

Here is a list of nuclear power plants in the United States:

Nuclear Power PlantsReactors
 Arkansas Nuclear One. London, Arkansas 2
 Beaver Valley. Shippingport, Pennsylvania 2
 Braidwood. Braidwood, Illinois 2
 Browns Ferry. Decatur, Alabama 3
 Brunswick. Southport, North Carolina 2
 Byron. Byron, Illinois 2
 Nuclear power plant in Callaway, USA. Callaway County, Missouri 1
Calvert Cliffs. Lusby, Maryland 2
Davis Besse. Oak Harbor, Ohio 1
Three Mile Island. Middleton, Pennsylvania 2

Publication Date: March 24, 2023
Last Revision: March 24, 2023