Energy electrical energy is used to describe the energy transmitted through electricity or stored in electric fields.
Electric energy is one of the types of goods most in demand. Like any product, electrical power has a set of properties that characterize its ability to meet specific consumer requirements:
Timeliness of the electricity supply.
Required volume.
Reliability of the electricity supply.
Quality of the electricity supplied.
Throughout history, obtaining electricity has had a meaningful environmental impact and has been one of the leading causes of climate change. However, nowadays, new, more sustainable generation systems are being developed.
Here we have a list of the advantages and disadvantages of electrical energy.
Pros of electrical energy
Some of the advantages of electrical energy over other energy sources include:
Easy to transport: electrical energy can be transported over long distances quickly and on time without polluting gas emissions.
The low operating noise of electrical equipment.
The absence of exhaust gases in the place of use and the smallest footprint of an electric machine. It allows reducing the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
It is possible to divide electrical energy into parts.
Ease of conversion into other types of energy (light, heat, mechanical, etc.).
Electricity can be generated from renewable energy sources. Some examples of renewable sources are wind energy, hydro energy, or solar power.
Electrical energy generation can be carried out without greenhouse gas emissions, for example, through nuclear power.
Scientific and technological progress is impossible without electricity.
Cons of electrical energy
The drawbacks are:
It is not a primary source: we can generate electricity from other energy sources. These energy sources can be renewable such as solar energy, or non-renewable, such as power plants that run on fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, and oil).
Electrical energy implies the need for a conversion infrastructure that means a loss of efficiency in the conversion process and upstream in the transport along power lines. Thus, the real problem of modern power supply is ensuring the quality of electrical power at consumer terminals.
Electric power has only one serious drawback: its danger to human life. Electric current, according to its effect on a person. It is generally accepted that an electrical current of more than 50 mA is dangerous to human life.
Is it possible to reduce the risk of electric shock?
It is possible if measures are taken to increase the resistance of the branch through which the current flows. Therefore, one of the ways to improve electrical safety when working with electrical installations is using dielectric mats, insulating supports, gloves, tools with insulating handles, etc.
Another way is to ground equipment items that a person can touch that it is not energized. In the presence of grounding, the human body turns out to be connected in parallel to the ground electrode. In this case, the resistance of which is many times less than the resistance of the human body. Therefore, if the insulation is broken and the voltage hits the equipment box, a small current will flow through the human body if you touch the box.
On the other hand, all active parts of machines and mechanisms must be protected by suitable covers.